Election time! An excellent opportunity to impact the future of our drinking water.

We all have a crucial role in shaping the future of our water management by exercising our right to vote. By making informed choices, we can ensure sustainable and efficient water management practices are prioritized. Electing politicians who support smart water policies help implement innovative solutions and secure the necessary funding to get the job done.

Our votes can drive investments in modernizing infrastructure, adopting smart technologies like HydroKonekt, and utilizing data analytics for better water management. By choosing leaders with strong environmental agendas, we champion the protection of our water sources and promote sustainability. Let’s make our voices heard and support leaders committed to leveraging smart technology for a sustainable, efficient, and resilient water supply for all. Together, by voting, we can make a meaningful impact.

Hydroko European Elections 2024

Upcoming: the next winner of the SME Water Innovation Europe award.


Thank you, Voka, we appreciate the recognition!